
A 10-post collection

Using the Azure CLI

By Tim Brown |  May 13, 2020  | azure
Without a lot of experience within Azure, I’m going to “assume” that the CLI has the same benefits that the AWS CLI has and that is SPEED. Clicking through a bunch of screens is slow. I know that synching data through the UI versus CLI to S3 in AWS is insanely different. I avoid looking at the UI if at all possible, except when learning and figuring out what is possible.
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Visual Studio Code Commands and Extensions Helpful for Hugo

By Tim Brown |  May 13, 2020  | visual-studio-code, tools
Download Visual Studio Code My Extensions Code Spell Checker is a basic spell checker that works well with camelCase code. Vagrantfile Support provides syntax highlighting support for Vagrantfile, useful if you use Vagrant. Better TOML is a VS code extension to support TOML files. Extension Marketplace My Extensions Multi-selecting the beginning of multiple lines is the first command I learn. For some reason I use this command A LOT with scripting in general!
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Getting Docker Working In a VirtualBox VM

By Tim Brown |  May 12, 2020  | docker, virtualbox
This is more of the process I went through trying to figure out how to get an easy way to use Docker without using Docker for Windows, because I want to also use Vagrant and VirtualBox. My journey began with this guide initially on Docker Docs: Install Docker Toolbox on Windows. It basically has you download and install the Docker Toolbox from GitHub. When installing Docker Toolbox I already had VirtualBox and Git for Windows, so I made sure those were unchecked.
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Installing Docker Using Vagrant and VirtualBox

By Tim Brown |  May 12, 2020  | docker, containers
This install guide assumes that you have already followed my Vagrant/VirtualBox Guide and have it running successfully. Open the “Vagrant” file that was created in the directory and add the below content and save: # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure # configures the configuration version (we support older styles for # backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what # you're doing.
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Visual Studio Code Setup for C# and .NET

By Tim Brown |  May 11, 2020  | c, .net
This is assuming that you already have VS Code installed. At the time of this writing I’m on version 1.45. The next two don’t affect each other, so you can install them in either order. You want the C# extension and the .NET Core SDK. After these are installed, I personally have been installing an extension pack called .NET Core Extension Pack. Like most extension packs I should probably look into each of the extensions more than I do.
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Installing Hugo Using Vagrant and VirtualBox with Snapd

By Tim Brown |  May 5, 2020  | hugo
This install guide assumes that you have already followed my Vagrant/VirtualBox Guide and have it running successfully. Open the “Vagrant” file that was created in the directory and add the below content and save: # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure # configures the configuration version (we support older styles for # backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what # you're doing.
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Installing Hugo Using Vagrant and VirtualBox with Wget

By Tim Brown |  May 5, 2020  | hugo
This install guide assumes that you have already followed my Vagrant/VirtualBox Guide and have it running successfully. This way is much, much faster, than using the snapd approach, but requires manually updating Hugo release download and install commands. Open the “Vagrant” file that was created in the directory and add the below content and save: # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # All Vagrant configuration is done below.
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Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, Atom Coding Editors

By Tim Brown |  May 5, 2020  | featured, visual-studio-code, notepad++, atom, tools
Editor Home Pages VS Code NotePad++ Atom My personal use over years has gone: Atom -> Notepad++ -> VS Code. I am not a developer by trade and simply need editors for writing scripts mostly to hack things together. Obviously, fully integrated IDEs for specific languages and platforms are WAY more powerful, and allow developers to work much more efficiently. In reality, in my situation, all three editors are more alike, than different.
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Installing Selenium for Eclipse with Java

By Tim Brown |  May 20, 2020  | java, selenium, eclipse
This guide assumes that you already have Eclipse and Java installed. You’ll want to download the latest stable Java release from the Selenium website. Configuring WebDriver Once downloaded, extract the zipped file to a folder of your choosing. I personally put Eclipse right in my C: directory and put the Selenium files within a folder called “selenium”. The extracted files will be all of the required jar files which enable you to create test scripts in Java.
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