
A 6-post collection

Test Automation ROI

By Tim Brown |  Jan 25, 2021  | featured, metrics
Test automation ROI should take into account qualitative factors not just quantitative: The risk that a human can make a mistake while testing manually. This one is very significant when it comes to testing a complex scenario, such as a financial calculation. Distractions and the monotony level of testers during manual execution should not be ignored. People simply don’t actively engage in testing that is boring and they zone-out causing them to miss defects that should have been caught.
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40+ Testing Metrics

By Tim Brown |  Jan 25, 2021  | metrics
Andy Cleff I love this set of metrics that Andy Cleff put together. If you ever get a chance to attend a presentation by him do it! This list is great, but his walk-through of the rational behind choosing metrics is amazing and very insightful. Hint, the advise suggests not using velocity; FOR ANYTHING :)
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Quality Assurance Documentation

By Tim Brown |  Jan 25, 2021  | process
Having a template for how to approach QA in terms of software development is essential for planning, communication, and buy-in from all stakeholders. These documents also serve as a way to engage and involve everyone’s voice in order to prevent scenarios where team members say that they didn’t agree to xyz process/support. This is a common flow that I’ve added to over the years that helps remind me at the start of a project what I need to remember to specifically address.
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Software Defect Process

By Tim Brown |  Jan 25, 2021  | process
Just a flow document on a defect process that could be used as a template on projects. Team agreements on a process and flow of handling defects will prevent a lot of headaches over what next the next steps should be for a given defect. Having defined severities and priorities is also extremely important in order to prevent misunderstandings. Defect Process (Download) There are obviously a lot of ways and extra flows for defects to consider.
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Twitter Recent Test

By Tim Brown |  Aug 25, 2020  |
This list does change, so make sure to bookmark the ones that look good! https://t.co/iJlDM9Prgf #codeinb8a #testing #softwaretest — Tim Brown (@inb8a) May 14, 2020 The FIRST properties of unit tests. #codeinb8a #dev #test #softwaredevelopment #softwaretesting https://t.co/pQSD4VisSG — Tim Brown (@inb8a) May 14, 2020 Just Say No to More End-to-End Tests! #codeinb8a #test #testing #softwaretesting https://t.co/PpB3Xw5xSh — Tim Brown (@inb8a) May 14, 2020
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Installing Selenium for Eclipse with Java

By Tim Brown |  May 20, 2020  | java, selenium, eclipse
This guide assumes that you already have Eclipse and Java installed. You’ll want to download the latest stable Java release from the Selenium website. Configuring WebDriver Once downloaded, extract the zipped file to a folder of your choosing. I personally put Eclipse right in my C: directory and put the Selenium files within a folder called “selenium”. The extracted files will be all of the required jar files which enable you to create test scripts in Java.
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