I managed to pass this one with a 880 out of 1000. This one to me was substantially more difficult than the Azure Fundamentals, which I received an 980 of out 1000. This AWS Cloud Practitioner exam has a lot more focus on scenarios, instead of whether you know what a certain product entails. Like I said about the Azure Foundation exam, for me, they were both worth the effort to obtain as stepping stones to higher certifications and to get a more in-depth understanding of what possibilities each platform contains beyond VMs, relational DBs, and basic networking.

Domain focus areas for the exam:

  1. Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructure
  2. Describe basic AWS Cloud architectural principles
  3. Describe the AWS Cloud value proposition
  4. Describe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases (for example, compute and analytics)
  5. Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security model
  6. Define the billing, account management, and pricing models
  7. Identify sources of documentation or technical assistance (for example, whitepapers or support tickets)
  8. Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud

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There is really no reason not to follow the AWS for this exam. I would definitely suggest their free digital course. It’s both FREE and MADE by AWS!
* AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials

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