
A 4-post collection

Test Automation ROI

By Tim Brown |  Jan 25, 2021  | featured, metrics
Test automation ROI should take into account qualitative factors not just quantitative: The risk that a human can make a mistake while testing manually. This one is very significant when it comes to testing a complex scenario, such as a financial calculation. Distractions and the monotony level of testers during manual execution should not be ignored. People simply don’t actively engage in testing that is boring and they zone-out causing them to miss defects that should have been caught.
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Twitter Recent Top 25

By Tim Brown |  Aug 25, 2020  | featured
This list does change, so make sure to bookmark the ones that look good! 4 Reasons Execution Matters More Than Knowledge via @Entrepreneur @empoweredpeeps https://t.co/XjYQqt5BZE #codeinb8a #selfimprovement — Tim Brown (@inb8a) May 14, 2020 https://t.co/iJlDM9Prgf #codeinb8a #testing #softwaretest — Tim Brown (@inb8a) May 14, 2020 Culture still keeps eating Agile software strategies for breakfast #codeinb8a #agile https://t.co/MfpLPiCcC7 — Tim Brown (@inb8a) May 14, 2020
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Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, Atom Coding Editors

By Tim Brown |  May 5, 2020  | featured, visual-studio-code, notepad++, atom, tools
Editor Home Pages VS Code NotePad++ Atom My personal use over years has gone: Atom -> Notepad++ -> VS Code. I am not a developer by trade and simply need editors for writing scripts mostly to hack things together. Obviously, fully integrated IDEs for specific languages and platforms are WAY more powerful, and allow developers to work much more efficiently. In reality, in my situation, all three editors are more alike, than different.
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Leveling Up

By Tim Brown |  May 11, 2020  | featured
Taking your engineering & operations role to the next level One of the funnier tech presentations that I have ever run across with plenty of good content. “At conferences there are always talks covering technical strategies, new tools and software, but this talk will aim to cover something completely different – the soft skills needed to be the very best at any job in operations or engineering. Most organizations are moving into a DevOps culture where the line between system administrators, operators, and developers is much more blurry, and to be great in these environments it is no longer enough to be technically knowledgeable in your specialty, it’s also necessary that you have great interpersonal skills including strong communication and emotional intelligence.
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