
A 2-post collection

Test Automation ROI

By Tim Brown |  Jan 25, 2021  | featured, metrics
Test automation ROI should take into account qualitative factors not just quantitative: The risk that a human can make a mistake while testing manually. This one is very significant when it comes to testing a complex scenario, such as a financial calculation. Distractions and the monotony level of testers during manual execution should not be ignored. People simply don’t actively engage in testing that is boring and they zone-out causing them to miss defects that should have been caught.
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40+ Testing Metrics

By Tim Brown |  Jan 25, 2021  | metrics
Andy Cleff I love this set of metrics that Andy Cleff put together. If you ever get a chance to attend a presentation by him do it! This list is great, but his walk-through of the rational behind choosing metrics is amazing and very insightful. Hint, the advise suggests not using velocity; FOR ANYTHING :)
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