
A 2-post collection

Quality Assurance Documentation

By Tim Brown |  Jan 25, 2021  | process
Having a template for how to approach QA in terms of software development is essential for planning, communication, and buy-in from all stakeholders. These documents also serve as a way to engage and involve everyone’s voice in order to prevent scenarios where team members say that they didn’t agree to xyz process/support. This is a common flow that I’ve added to over the years that helps remind me at the start of a project what I need to remember to specifically address.
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Software Defect Process

By Tim Brown |  Jan 25, 2021  | process
Just a flow document on a defect process that could be used as a template on projects. Team agreements on a process and flow of handling defects will prevent a lot of headaches over what next the next steps should be for a given defect. Having defined severities and priorities is also extremely important in order to prevent misunderstandings. Defect Process (Download) There are obviously a lot of ways and extra flows for defects to consider.
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